Steam-Age Tech

About - Kirk Siqveland

Pertinent Overview

Really this project is about teaching technology, related science and history; anyone who knows me knows that these are my favorite things. Add to that my predilection for making cool and interesting things and you can see where this is the product of following-my-dreams.

Whatever I do, I always seem to find a way to be teaching. My experience includes extensive one-on-one tutoring, and a wide range of presentations to large audiences; those audiences have been VERY diverse - from children with severe disabilities to fortune 100 executives, with a full range of professionals and factory workers in between.

I have presented seminars on long-term wheelchair seating issues and technology accessibility, at international conferences, trade-shows, hospitals and clinics in North America and Europe. I was on contract at Boeing teaching various computer classes. I have taught numerous classes on history related topics from "the development of the Clock and concepts of time." to "Scrapers, Planes and Chisels (or how not to use sandpaper)"

The proof was in the pudding however, when I got dropped into Science Day at my children's school teaching Optics. To my delight for the rest of the year kids in the halls would look up and say with a smile "I know you, you're that Science Guy!"
The rest, they say, is history...

This is by no means a complete Curriculum Vitae, more of a high-lights sketch

Work History

CyberTamer Services 2014-Current
Contract Programmer, Computer Skills Tutoring & Integrated Home Electronics : Computers, Networks, Home Theater, Automation, Communication, Cameras and Security.

AT&T DigitalLife (Contractor for) 2013-2014
Field Sales and Field Engineer
Integrated Home Automation, Security & A\V

CyberTamer Services 2010-2013
Contract Trainer at Boeing – Visual Basic for Applicaitons, HTML, MS Windows (XP/7), Office Suite Skills-Word & Excel
Integrated Home Electronics : Computers, Networks, Automation, Communication and Security

Heston Technical 2007-2010
Programmer and Installer
Integrated Home Electronics : Computers, Networks, Home Theater, Automation, Communication, Cameras and Security

Minomech Technology 2000-2007
Assistive Technology: Computer, Communication and Automation Solutions for Individuals with Disabilities. Product Sales, Solution Design, Installation and Training. Invented and introduced more than a dozen new products.

C. Gerald Warren & Assoc. 1998-2000
Trainer, Designer and Installer
Assistive Technology: Computer, Communication and Automation Solutions for Individuals with Disabilities.

Rehatec A/S 1998
Wheelchair Seating and Positioning Workshop and Seminar Tour, more than two dozen presentations across Switzerland.

Bodypoint Designs 1991-1997
Director of Sales
Wheelchair Components and Accessories – Sales and Manufacture
Trade-show Management, Presenter and Trainer.

Lens & Hammer Woodworks 1987-1991
High-End Residential Cabinetry

Organizations and Avocations

Scouts BSA (Boy Scouts of America)
Scoutmaster Troop - 066 (Girls), Wedgwood Seattle 2019 to present
Assistant Scoutmaster - Troop 166 (Boys), Wedgwood Seattle 2017 to present
Cubmaster – Pack 305, Seaview Elementary 2012 & 2013
Assistant Cubmaster – Pack 305 Seaview Elementary 2011

Maplewood Rock and Gem Club
Member (whole Family) 2012-Current

RESNA – Rehab Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America
Periodic Presenter / Lecturer Subjects ranged from Computer-Accessibility to Wheelchair Positioning Belts and Harnesses.
Member (periodic) Since 1995
Computer-Accessibility Special Interest Group:
Chair 2007
Co-Chair 2005

United Nations Association
Seattle Chapter
President 1999-2001
Board of Directors 1995-2001
Model United Nations -
Conference Chair and organizer for numerous MUN – conferences including University of Washington.

Peace Day 2000 – Seattle Sept. 2000
Co-Chair and Emcee.
Celebration at Seattle Center, by decree of the Mayor of City of Seattle.

Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA)
Medieval Educational and Reenactment Society
Order of Chivalry, Order of Laurel, Magister Ithra

University of Ithra
(Community Education Arm of SCA)
Regular Teacher of classes such as a series called “Medieval Mentalities” including “Clocks and Concepts of Time” and “Origins of Courtesy and Chivalry”, various traditional tool-use classes including, “Woodwork: Design, Layout and Measurement”.

Page last modified on November 06, 2020, at 01:51 PM
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